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November 28, 2022

It’s the simple things in life for me that bring the most pleasure 🥰. Today’s pleasurable moment was trying a new recipe and making the most Perfect & delicious pikelets for my little Princess to enjoy in the sunshine (whilst I clean the cobwebs in my nightie 😂😂😂)

Pikelets Ingredients

40g butter - melted (30sec/50 deg/sp 4)
300g Self Raising Flour
1/2 tsp salt
60g Caster Sugar
1/2 tsp bicarb soda
300g milk
2 eggs Blend/mix 20 sec/sp 6

Using an icecream scoop drop level scoops onto a med heat non stick pan. When bubbles appear on the surface flip them over. Cook until golden. Smear a very generous amount of salted butter over hot pikelets YUM!!!

Enjoy xxx

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Alesha Pemberton

Hi, I'm Alesha! Welcome to my page, here you will find a bit of everything really. Tips, tricks, fashion, recipes and whatever else I come up with along the way to make life easier and more enjoyable.
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